Omlie Navigation: A Beginners Guide to Trying Cannabis

For the Skeptics, Canna-curious, and the Newbies

So cannabis is legal in your state (or you are traveling to a state that has legalized adult use) and you want to give it a try but have no idea where to start. We felt the same way! You won’t see us rolling a joint and smoking a bong, so here are some ways to give it a try without anyone even realizing that it's your first time!

We’ve ranked 6 beginner-friendly methods of consuming cannabis. It’s up to you to choose one or two ways that you're comfortable with or… you might want to try all 6!

Methods of consuming cannabis

Where and how do I buy it?

In most states, you need to go to a dispensary to purchase cannabis. Think of it like going to a beer or liquor store… there will be all kinds of options and it could be overwhelming. At the liquor store, we get drawn to a wine bottle with an animal on it (is that just us?!) but it can still take time to figure out which rosé is your favorite and cannabis is no different.

Before you choose a type of cannabis, you’ll want to get a sense for how you prefer to consume it - are you more vodka shot or vodka soda? We’ve ranked these in order of “beginner friendly” to help you navigate the journey.

How do I consume it?

“Topicals” such as lotions, creams, and patches

The cannabis extract known as CBD (cannabidiol) is a powerful relief agent which is available in many forms such as ointments, creams, patches, and balms. CBD is a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals and is being used for many conditions such as chronic back pain, insomnia, inflammation as well as anxiety and depression. In fact, cannabis extracts have been used to relieve pain and treat skin for centuries in Latin America and India because of the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant. A bonus is that you don’t need a prescription for topical CBD products because they don’t contain THC, the element of the cannabis plant that gets you high (it’s a vodka soda minus the vodka). There are some CBD and THC combination products available (that work wonders) but in a state that has only legalized medical marijuana use, you’ll need a prescription for that.

  • GPS Point: Most beginning friendly

  • Effect Starts in: 5mins – 1 hour depending on form used

  • Duration: Lasts 6 - 12 hours

  • Pros: Discreet, ideal for localized pain and inflammation, CBD only products have no psychoactive effects and provide hours of relief

  • Cons: Can be expensive and some products may contain parabens or artificial fragrances and you likely need to reapply regularly

  • Omlie Tip: If it washes off, don’t waste your money! Topicals need time to absorb into the skin and body so CBD face wash and shampoo aren’t doing anything for you. And look for “full-spectrum CBD” products to get the biggest bang for your buck.

Oils and Tinctures

Oils and tinctures are liquid forms of CBD and cannabis. Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts that are made by mixing alcohol, oil, or water to extract compounds from a plant; in this case the cannabis plant. Until prohibition in the 1930’s, this was the main form of cannabis consumption in the U.S. You can put a few drops under your tongue, hold for 30 seconds and then swallow, to allow for rapid absorption or you can put a few drops in your coffee which will have a slower effect. If you prefer to go smokeless and have more control over your dosing, this is a great place to start. Just like alcohol, how much you consume and the strength of the product will affect each of us differently so we recommend starting slowly (or micro-dosing) to see how you feel after just a few drops.

  • GPS Point: Beginning friendly

  • Effect Starts in: 10mins – 3 hours depending on the method of consumption (under tongue vs. in food)

  • Duration: Lasts 6 - 12 hours

  • Pros: The effect lasts longer than other methods of consuming cannabis, easy to consume, discreet and diverse variety of options to choose from

  • Cons: Requires patience and trial and error to determine your best dosage, for some the effect can be intense and longer-lasting

  • Omlie Tip: A 2017 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that out of the commercially available CBD products, only 30 percent were accurately labeled. We suggest only buying products that have their ingredients list posted and bonus points if they also provide detailed lab results for verification. Or you can check out our favorite products guide that we are adding to regularly. Let us know if there is a specific product you’d like us to review!

Vape Pen

A vape pen is a compact, rechargeable device that heats up cannabis oil in the vape cartridge and produces vapor which is inhaled by the user. Vape pens come in various shapes & sizes as well as functionalities such as button or buttonless for vapor inhalation. Disposable vape pens include a cartridge which is filled with cannabis oils or you can buy pens that use interchangeable cartridges.

But what about all the news about deaths from vape pens?

Those issues were caused by illegal vape pens which means they aren’t regulated by state guidelines. They are basically like drinking moonshine that was created in someone's bathtub during alcohol prohibition. Vape pens that are purchased from state regulated dispensaries are the safer route. Bonus if you live in the state of Pennsylvania because PA has some of the most stringent quality regulations on medical marijuana.

This means that you are getting some of the purest and safest products from the state that is home to Brotherly Love. Extra bonus points if you refer to Philadelphia as the city of Sisterly Love, as recognition of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote!

Cannabis Vape Pen
  • GPS Point: Requires a little practice to learn how to operate a push-button pen and inhale correctly without coughing

  • Effect Starts in: Within seconds of inhalation

  • Duration: 1-2 hours

  • Pros: It’s easy to use, discreet because there is minimal odor, ease to take on the go

  • Cons: Weaker effects than other forms of cannabis consumption

    Omlie Tip: We prefer buttonless pens because it gives more control over how much we consume. We’ve also found that we cough less when using buttonless pens


The tastiest way of consuming your cannabis! Edibles are food or drink products which have been infused with CBD or CBD+THC such as baked goods, candies, sodas, even chewing gum. Here’s how edibles work: when you eat activated cannabinoids they’re absorbed by the stomach’s digestive system... rather than through the bloodstream (which is what happens when smoke or vape cannabis). The different methods of absorption means that you tend to get different sensations. For edibles this can be more intense and longer-lasting.

Everybody digests food and drinks at a different pace so suggesting a proper dosage can be tricky. Some beginners may accidentally eat more than they need by thinking that it’s not working when, in fact, they’re just digesting it slower. This can lead to an unpleasant experience of feeling too high.

  • GPS Point: Beginner friendly but take it small and slow! (small does over a long period of time)

  • Effect Starts in: 30 mins – 2 hours

  • Duration: 4 -12 hours

  • Pros: The effect lasts longer than other methods of consuming cannabis, easy to consume, discreet and diverse variety of options to choose from, expect lots of euphoria, laughter, and an incredible night sleep

  • Cons: The effect is delayed meaning this method is not ideal for users who need immediate relief, difficult to understand what each individuals dosage should be, for some the effect can be intense and longer-lasting

  • Omlie Tip: Write down the time that you eat it and watch the clock! If you don’t feel any different, we recommend waiting 2-3 hours before trying more. We’ve found that we feel a small, passing euphoria around the 1 hour mark and then a stronger, longer lasting feeling kicks in around the 2.5 hour mark. You don’t have to watch the clock every time you consume edibles but the first 2-3 times, it is really helpful to understand how you will respond and the right dosage for you.


If vaping doesn’t appeal to you, or you want to avoid the sugar and fat content of edibles, another option is cannabis capsules or pills. It’s one of the newer cannabis products in the market and is favored by those using it for medicinal benefits. You can purchase capsules that are “CBD-dominant” and won’t create any high sensations or THC-dominant which will create a euphoric sensation.

How do these work? Cannabis capsules work very similar to edibles. You eat them and then the body’s digestive system gets to work!

CBD-dominant capsule
  • GPS Point: Beginner friendly - as long as you can swallow a pill!

  • Effect Starts in: 30 mins - 2 hours

  • Duration: Lasts up to 8 hours

  • Pros: Discreet, convenient

  • Cons: Delayed onset effects which are not ideal for those who need immediate relief

  • Omlie Tip: One size doesn’t fit all! Just like edibles, individuals will have different experiences with cannabis capsules. So, when first trying capsules, it’s best to start with a low dose.


The traditional, tried and tested method of consuming cannabis is smoking. This is when dried and ground pieces of the cannabis plant are rolled into a ‘joint’ (Note: rolling your own joint would be pretty intense for a beginner)!

Smoking a joint may seem pretty simple, but actually there are a few things you should know before taking your first toke. For example, smoking cannabis this way is extremely effective, you’ll likely start feeling the effects within a minute of inhalation. This is ideal for some, but for others this can be too intense!

Cannabis Flower
  • GPS Point: Out of all the methods this is the least beginner-friendly, but it shouldn’t stop you from trying! In some states, you can purchase pre-rolled products which is much easier than trying to DIY!

  • Effect Starts in: Within seconds of inhalation

  • Duration: 1 - 3 hours

  • Pros: Feel the effects instantly, you can control the amount consumed

  • Cons: Not discreet, produces a lot of odor, can contain carcinogenic compounds due to burning paper, can be potent and cause nausea depending on the individual

  • Omlie Tip: Smoking cannabis can be more intense and cause a quicker reaction, so our tip is to be in a comfortable environment and have a glass of water nearby. Also, take small tokes and wait 5 minutes before taking the next one so you can judge what your sweet spot is.

methods of consuming cannabis

Still not sure what’s best for you?

That’s okay! Start with the method you feel most comfortable with and when you are comfortable, try a few others. Think of this as an experiment in self-care. After all, you can’t find a favorite wine until you’ve tried a few! Cheers!


I quit my 6-figure job, during a pandemic, to start a cannabis company


The Basics: What is CBD?