I quit my 6-figure job, during a pandemic, to start a cannabis company

I know what you are thinking. And no, I'm not 'a stoner'. Well, not your traditional stoner in the dreadlocks, tie dye, and grateful dead sense (though I have started to appreciate John Mayer as the lead singer for the Grateful Dead). Actually, I only tried cannabis twice prior to 2019. That's because I grew up during the 'D.A.R.E to Say No' campaign and when I hear an egg sizzling on a frying pan, I still think:

This is your brain on drugs

"This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"

Growing up, I heard that message loud and clear: marijuana is illegal and it's a gateway drug. So as the rule-follower that I am, I stayed away. Then, medical marijuana was legalized in my state of Pennsylvania and I became curious about how this drug was different than the drugs I picked up from the pharmacy. When I started to investigate the medicinal value of cannabis for my dad, who suffers from debilitating back pain, I unearthed the potential health benefits of the plant and the unpleasant truth about prohibition. I was excited about a new treatment option for him that didn't include, or at least reduced, his dependence on prescription pain killers. And I was also discovering all of the ways that cannabis could help me with everything from anxiety to muscle soreness to sleeplessness.

Sarah Burlew (Omlie's Founder) and her father.

I have worked as a management consultant to healthcare companies for years, but I was amazed at how little I knew about cannabis and how hard it was to find credible information. It was even harder to find places to ask the silly, newbie questions that I had, like, is there a difference between marijuana, cannabis, hemp, and weed? Why is CBD suddenly everywhere? What does it feel like to get high? Do you get a hangover from cannabis?


So here we are today. I quit my stable and lucrative job, during a pandemic, to create Omlie. Insane, maybe? Highly rewarding, definitely!

I’m on a mission to cultivate the possibilities of cannabis and Make Pot Professional.

I’m still not your traditional stoner. I’ve created Omlie to share what I've learned and broaden the conversation about cannabis by helping women, who are so often the caretakers of our families, to understand it and how it could be used to help us and our loved ones (even our pets!).


This is a safe place to ask the newbie questions. After all, we aren't stoners. We are at the beginning of our cannabis journey, navigating this new horizon together.

Sarah, Omlie's Founder

Welcome! I’m so glad that you are here.


What does it feel like to get high?


Omlie Navigation: A Beginners Guide to Trying Cannabis