An Omlie Story: How CBD helped my dog during his chemotherapy

Welcome to Omlie Stories! Here we are sharing stories from members of our community who have discovered the value of cannabis. We will cover everything from anxiety to sleepless nights to spicing up your sex life! Our hope is that we are able to collectively broaden the conversation about cannabis by sharing these new perspectives and experiences. We are on this journey together so let us know if you have a story you’d like us to share!

An Omlie Story: “How CBD helped my dog during his chemotherapy”

I have two Golden Retrievers, Marley (Left) and Ted (Right) who are 11 years old. As puppies they were incredibly cute and bouncy. They looked like puppy versions of Comet from Full House. As they’ve got older they’ve suffered from a few minor health problems here and there. However they’re now 65 in dog years, they’re becoming old dogs and with age comes more health issues as we all know.

Last year Ted was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes. As with any animal lover, we were heartbroken, Ted is part of our family and we couldn’t imagine losing him. We all started looking into how to treat cancer in dogs, desperately searching for some miracle cure. The vets decided they would operate and remove the tumor in his lymph nodes. Luckily the doctors were able to remove the tumor but it had already spread, as a result, they decided to treat the cancer with chemotherapy.

The chemo had a devastating effect on Teddy, he became so nauseous that he stopped eating and after a month he started to waste away. We were losing him and utterly helpless. My mum remembered a research paper about using CBD to treat cancer in dogs. Running out of time and ideas, we decided to order a bottle of CBD oil and start giving it to Ted.

Every morning and night we would put 4 drops of CBD in his water bowl. Slowly he started to get better, eating a few mouthfuls of food each day and he was actually able to keep it down. After about a month he was eating his breakfast and dinner and sometimes he even begs for more food which we shouldn’t condone but we’re just so relieved to see him building his strength.

As of today he is still fighting cancer but with the use of chemo they believe he will fight it and that he still has a few years left in him. We know he wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for using CBD to treat the side effects of his Chemo treatments.

Our research found that CBD has been known to manage the symptoms of cancer and some of the possible side effects of treatment. CBD can help fight the development and spread of certain types of tumors. CBD has also been shown to help curb other gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and nausea which is how CBD helped our Ted. If you’re wondering the dosage for CBD for dogs, we gave our dog 4 drops twice a day and noticed results within a few days.

*This is from a personal story from a member of our community who has used CBD. We are not medical professionals and this information should not replace the advice of a healthcare provider. Stay happy and healthy, the Omlie team.


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