An Omlie Story: Using CBD to treat migraines

Welcome to Omlie Stories! Here we are sharing stories from members of our community who have discovered the value of cannabis. We will cover everything from anxiety to sleepless nights to spicing up your sex life! Our hope is that we are able to collectively broaden the conversation about cannabis by sharing these new perspectives and experiences. We are on this journey together so let us know if you have a story you’d like us to share!

CBD oil

An Omlie Story from our Community: “How I used CBD to treat my migraines”

“Being a chronic migraine sufferer for the past 14 years, suffering with on average 5 migraines a week, I can confirm they are excruciatingly painful. The way I describe them to non-sufferers is, imagine the sensation of pins in your eyes while you sometimes lose the ability to see, stand, or speak. The pain is often bad enough to create physical symptoms, from nausea and vomiting to dizziness and fainting. Migraines differ between each individual but for me, they come on without warning, sometimes I can be driving my car down a busy road and suddenly lose my vision and have to pull over. Or I'll be sitting in a busy meeting with the CEO of my company and have to put sunglasses on in order to bear the harsh lighting.

Omlie CBD Guide

“Migraines differ between each individual but for me, they come on without warning.”

I have tried absolutely every ‘preventative’ medicine under the sun, from antidepressants that make you feel intoxicated half the time, to anti-epileptic tablets that cause insomnia which in turn leads to more migraines, to beta-blockers which affect your heart and your health. I’ve tried ‘abortive’ treatments such as sumatriptans which are commonly prescribed to individuals who suffer with migraines, unfortunately, I’m allergic to this form of medication and therefore unable to take it. I’ve tried holistic treatments such as cranial osteopathy, acupuncture, and aromatherapy. After spending a fortune and many years searching for the right treatment for me, I was almost ready to give up and take my neurologists advice to ‘learn to live with it’ when a close friend suggested cannabis.

At first, I thought they were joking, I’ve stayed away from drugs my entire life. I was always worried about the ramifications of taking drugs and therefore was never inclined to try. I decided to take their suggestion seriously and follow it up with research to see whether there was any credibility for using cannabis to treat chronic migraines.

I found out that we have cannabinoid receptors inside our brain and other parts of our bodies that affect how we feel pain. Cannabis has natural compounds called cannabinoids and when we consume cannabis, the cannabinoids connect with those receptors. They change how the receptors work, and they can calm down pain signals. Since pain is the most debilitating symptom of my migraines it was promising to find a natural remedy for treating this symptom.

After researching I decided to order a bottle of CBD oil. It arrived on my second day of having a migraine, at this point I was bed-bound with an ice pack literally taped to my head. I tried 4 drops under my tongue and the effects were instantaneous. The pain subsided drastically and I was actually able to open my eyes.

After trying CBD oil every day for 2 weeks I noticed a drastic change in my migraines not only were they less frequent, but they were also more manageable. I was able to talk while suffering from a migraine when before I’d have to go sleep them off in my car. The intense nausea that used to come on when I had a particularly bad migraine was not there anymore, I was able to stand up and move around without the fear of repercussions.

After continuing this treatment for a few months, my friends and family noticed huge differences in my personality and mental health. I was happy again. I was able to leave the house and go for lunch with my friends without fear of a migraine disrupting my day. I was present in people's lives. They described it as coming out of hibernation after a lifetime of suffering. I no longer have the anxiety associated with getting in my car anymore either.

As a result of CBD I am able to live my life. I only wish I found it sooner.”

*This is from a personal story from a member of our community who has used CBD. We are not medical professionals and this information should not replace the advice of a healthcare provider. Stay happy and healthy, the Omlie team.


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